Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's a Girl! ;)

So, I'm guessing my regular followers will have noticed that my blog has a different look!  No, a bottle of Pepto Bismol didn't explode on your computer screen, there is a LOT of pink on my new blog template!  Why?  That's simple.  Because it represents me and my life.  Being a single woman and having 2 little girls, we have a ton of pink in our house, but that's okay with me because pink is my favorite color.  Sure, some guys can pull off pink, but overall it screams "GIRLY," which is totally me!  The girlier the better! :)  What color represents you?


  1. Yay! Looks great!!

    I just changed my blog design this morning - woke up at 4:30am and decided to do a WHOLE new design!
    So now, this looks like ME :oD


    1. Thanks Mia! And Anni, I'll have to check yours out too! :)
